Sympathy, intelligence and size have made him a companion dog for excellence.
If you are searching for a canine companion, we invite you to know this fascinating breed.
All persons who possess a miniature Schnauzer, believe the same: a very intelligent animal, loyal and clean. He only lacks the ability to talk speak; needless to say that it is a beautiful and charming dog, which his appearance is characterized as good friend of children and the whole family. Also it is a good hunter of rats and mice, is an instinct more pronounced in this breed that arose more than one hundred years in the province of Baviera (southern Germany).
Intelligent and courageous
Despite its small size, this small animal preserves intact the qualities of a brave guard, always vigilant and ready to help his master in each of its activities, but, yes, keeping their spirit of independence.
Characteristics of the breed
The miniature schnauzer is the smaller version of the other two sizes flawless race of weakness, and so on.
His character is the same as in the other sizes, a fact which is demonstrated by observing their temperament: intelligent, sociable, constant vigilance. This makes him a nice company dog, which can easily be taken anywhere.
Their colors are pure black, salt and pepper, black silver and white.
It grows up to 30 to 35 cm.
In general, this breed is quite robust and requires no special care.
Good worker
In addition to his loyalty and sociability, the miniature Schnauzer is known for his ability as a police dog.
if you want to see how beautiful schnauzers are here is a link of a nice video :D!